Thursday, January 31, 2013

The 4 most important reasons to read a Blog.

So many people and so many companies in the world are trying to get my attention and my business. 

From bloggers, to Facebook friending, to Tweeting and emails – some days it is like having a full orchestra playing in my head. And now You want my attention? Here's how ...

First, make sure your blog is personal warm and friendly, and reads more like a quiet violin in my brain – and add your personal experience to the message, like this one does. 

Secondly, be transparent and tell the truth about your product or service – I will find out eventually, like millions of others on the Internet. 

Third, be conversational – write like you talk, not like a computer that is cramming big words in a small space. 

Yes those three tips help with readership and subscriptions, but the most important reason that increases blog engagement – and coming and returning to a blog is ... Value

Blog readers will come back because they learned something that was worth their time to read. There was a nugget of something of value to them, and because of that, they will subscribe and return.

FYI - The illustration above is part of an image illustrating for an upcoming article in Select magazine. In addition to branding and photo manipulation, i also create 3D looking illustrations, check out my illustration website:
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