Friday, December 27, 2013

3 things I do to create an intelligent conversation

The frustrating thing about being intelligent is finding people you can have an intelligent conversation with. Most people "hear just the first part of a sentence" and then stop their listening mode and think about their own similar experience to top what you or someone else is saying. They are not learning or expanding they are just spewing out memories. Here are 3 things I do to create an intelligent conversation with someone who doesn't listen: 
1. I engage a person and ask lots of questions about what it is they do (to learn something new from an expert), 
2. I ask what are the 3 things that have made them successful, and 
3. do they have a vision of what could be improved (whether it is their job, company processes or life in general). It at least gets them thinking, and I learn something new.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The 4 most important reasons to read a Blog.

So many people and so many companies in the world are trying to get my attention and my business. 

From bloggers, to Facebook friending, to Tweeting and emails – some days it is like having a full orchestra playing in my head. And now You want my attention? Here's how ...

First, make sure your blog is personal warm and friendly, and reads more like a quiet violin in my brain – and add your personal experience to the message, like this one does. 

Secondly, be transparent and tell the truth about your product or service – I will find out eventually, like millions of others on the Internet. 

Third, be conversational – write like you talk, not like a computer that is cramming big words in a small space. 

Yes those three tips help with readership and subscriptions, but the most important reason that increases blog engagement – and coming and returning to a blog is ... Value

Blog readers will come back because they learned something that was worth their time to read. There was a nugget of something of value to them, and because of that, they will subscribe and return.

FYI - The illustration above is part of an image illustrating for an upcoming article in Select magazine. In addition to branding and photo manipulation, i also create 3D looking illustrations, check out my illustration website:
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